Hi, I'm Alondra.

Software Engineer 🚀

picture of Alondra with long brown curly hair and a blue background.

I'm a full-stack web developer based in Portland, OR. I'm currently working remotely and learning Javascript with 100 Devs. Open to freelance work, feel free to get in touch!


Couve Coffee

A responsive website built for a Coffee Shop.

  • HTML
  • CSS

Daily Horoscope

Type in your zodiac sign and you'll get the date range of your sign, your horoscope, lucky color, and your mood.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • API

Rick and Morty Character Info

Select a character from the show Rick and Morty to see their image, status, and species displayed. This project was built using html, css, javascript, and The Rick and Morty API.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • API



Email me